Adam Brand

I Did What

Adam Brand

is just a boogy in
Verse 1 

I woke up this morning, smelling like lemons
Salt on the back of my hands
Mouth was so dry, I couldn't even spit
My eyes felt like they were full of sand
I called Troy Jenkins, to see if he survived
My head pounding like a stone
He started reeling of things I did last night
And I cried out over the phone

I did what? I smooched who??
Oh tell me the Boss wasn't there
And I caused quite a scene
when I stripped of my jeans
And did a slide in my underwear
I did what? I mooned who?
Oh this time I guess I crossed the line
There'll be hell to pay, but what can I say
I must have had a real good time

Verse 2 

Troy laughed and said, some guy named Red
has been looking for you all night
And oh by the way, some girl said to say
Just come back any old time
Then he went down the list, of things I'd done
And I listened in misery
I was thinking real hard about leaving town,
And changing my identity

What can I say, I had a bad day
I guess I just lost my mind
it's all just a blurr, but one things for sure
I must have had a real good time