Adam Agee

We Pray

Adam Agee

For the tired and the weary
Lost and confused
Hopeless and needy
With nothing to lose
For those who are falling
Or have already fallen away

Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)

We pray
Humbly we seek Your face
Broken yet unafraid
We leave it all in Your hands
We trust that You'll heal our lands
And know that You'll hear us when
We pray

Peace and forgiveness
For the nations at war
Strength in their weakness
When they can fight no more
Mercy, redemption, healing
And for You to be Lord of all

Our hearts are exploding
With compassion and love
For a world that is crying
To be lifted up (oh...)

Father in Heaven
The Giver of life
Your Kingdom forever be glorified
We pray you will unite us
And heal our divide
We bow down before You
Oh Lord hear our cry (as)