Seig! Heil, victory rune of Schutzstaffel. Seig! Lightning flash illuminates the runes: Tel, Man, Kaun, Fa, Asa, Os, Eis, Not, Tor, Tyr, Laf, Rit, Thorn, Ur, Sig, Zil, Yr, Hag-Al, H, Wend-Horn, Gibor, Eh, Othil, Bar-Bjork. Hagall! Faith in the Krist; original Germanic God. Hagall! Unite all our brothers under one nation. Swastika! Aryans unite! Superior with hope! Swastika! Symbol of our land, sign of Irminenschaft. Heilt richen! Sacrifice your all, brothers of Schutzstaffel. Heilt richen! Wrat your honour proud, destroy the false Christ!