
The Grand Spirit Voyage


Above the waves of swirling marble plains
Floating, soaring
As symbols pour upon a crystal shore
Shining, blinding

Drifting forever into the never
Swept into always been

Flowing, knowing and showing
Invoking the light within
Bending, ascending, transcending
The shell that was me

Whispering rhymes are rippling through time
Singing, weaving
The evermore beyond the puzzle door

Drifting forever into the never
Swept into always been

Flowing, knowing and showing
Invoking the light within
Bending. ascending. transcending
The shell that was me

Drifting forever into the never
Swept into

Flowing, knowing and showing
Invoking the light within
Bending, ascending, transcending
The shell that was me

Acima das ondas nas planícies do mármore espiralante
Flutuando, ascendendo
Ao que símbolos decaem sobre uma costa de cristal
Brilhante, ofuscante

Carregado eternamente para o nunca
Varrido para o sempre

Fluindo, conhecendo e mostrando
Invocando a luz interior
Dobrando, ascendendo, transcendendo
O casca que fora eu

Rimas sussurrantes oscliando no tempo
Cantando, tecendo
A eternidade além da porta enigmática

Carregado eternamente para o nunca
Varrido para o sempre

Fluindo, conhecendo e mostrando
Invocando a luz interior
Dobrando, ascendendo, transcendendo
O casca que fora eu

Carregado eternamente para o nunca
Varrido para

Fluindo, conhecendo e mostrando
Invocando a luz interior
Dobrando, ascendendo, transcendendo
O casca que fora eu