We feed on vibrations The beating of locust wings Ours is a template left unset.. supposedly Away from the things of moderm man.. someday But first the tidal crash -- the fallout crush So we confront.. the gestation Of ignorance.. and all blind faith A mind in flux.. our nation state Truth is the only holy water Baptized by force Truth is the only holy water In-fec-tion trans-mits at eye con-tact First born ed-u-ca-tion be-comes a drug To kill for while au-to asphyx-i-a-ting Inside your cocoon So we confront.. the gestation Of ignorance.. and all blind faith A mind in flux.. our nation state Truth is the only holy water Baptized by force Truth is the only holy water Prophet loses way, stumbles angers easily Trading his ideas for easy tickets and plasma screens A thousand lost voices, once destined for uprising Are now reclining blissfully In their waste... In their waste... In their waste!... How can those with so much, piss on mill-ions Born with noth-ing, how can col-or or lo-ca-tion Seal your fate from in-ter-ven-tion Enough is enough For glo-bal rapists, but your Con-su-ming hard pulls them deep And be-fore you know it Se-cur-i-ty be-comes your to-o-o-o-ommmb... So we confront.. the gestation Of ignorance.. and all blind faith Our mind in flux.. our nation state Truth is the only holy water Baptized by force Truth is the only holy water Baptized by force Truth is the only holy water Baaaaptized by fooorrce! Baaaaptized by fooorrce! Now years of people are all slaves Show the heathens to their graves Now years of people are all slaves Show the preachers to their graves Let's show the heathens to their graves! Show the preachers to their graves!