tell me why! anyone pushing jesus incessantly is usually the one most in need of salvation! is it just me, or does it seem that those with the dirtiest sins are preaching the mooossst!? WORSHIP! AND PRAY! BULLSHIT! it would be hysterical! the self-righteous right the blindness and all of their audacity! but unfortunately for you and me? their infection is viral! CHRISTIAANNS! somebody get me a LION! intolerant assholes CATHOLICS! somebody get me a BUS load of lions fucking rapists i'll pray to god but before i do i'll beg forgiveness, from a jew or a muslim might suffice anyone who's actually sacrificed! oh my god why have you forsa-ken me? you say to yourself i've hated everybody else.. when they don't give up their soul i've turned my back on anyone no matter the case, who doesn't believe like you told me to! but wait you never said that? well who would LIE about that? who could TRICK ME to feel that? who could BENEFIT from that? THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! DON'T RAPE CHILDREN! simple fucking rule! SIMPLE FUCKING RULE! but it's easy to break when you realize that as long you condemn blacks and fags women and jews -- TO A LIFE OF SERVITUDE! TO A LIFE DESTROYED BY HATE! JESUS FAVORS PROUD WHITE MEN! well, wouldn't you? i'll pray to god but before i do i'll ask him first to punish you for all the intolerance and the lies 'cause christians need a good sacrifice! oh my god why have you forsa-ken me? you say to yourself i've hated everybody else.. when they don't give up their soul i've turned my back on anyone no matter the case, who doesn't believe like you told me to! but wait you never said that? well who would LIE about that? who could TRICK ME to feel that? THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH! THE CHURCH!