common heirs to a cancerous throne see me picking the knowledge from deep in the bone there is a lot to be lost and be learned if one can flourish in medical waste bins i met a brother and gave him a spine cracked from behind the asbestos and organs couldn't we mutate together a sister as well from all of these pulsating pieces? wallowing deeper and closer within creation of family induced by syringe labor intensive, we all got a push from teenage boredom and sweet prostitution trade you an eye for that five day old brain still a few signals that i might connect with that sister we talked about has finally spoken her teeth are all broken but we will all manage... the taste of the surgical steel brings us back remind me to share my dilation scrapbook holiday suck sounds and we are ecstatic razors and pain give us blackened erections here comes the new kid won't he be glad to see he is fully developed unless he is eyeless but shit like digestion and vision don't matter at the bottom of this sexy plastiscene casket suddenly we're travelling and god is it cold tissues connect and then freeze from exposure there must be a god 'cause i think i am smiling but my facial tics have a way of confusing (we are all free and pink and untethered to mommy and all her spastic convulsions!) we are all so special with our sexy birth defects mommy would be proud and hold us with her warm forceps all of us god's children with our undeveloped limbs mommy we forgive you and we are grateful for your sins we are all so special with our sexy birth defects mommy would be proud and hold us with her warm forceps all of us god's children with our undeveloped limbs mommy we forgive you and we are grateful for your sins your sins YOUR SINS! YOUR...