he time for lenience has passed A call to all beneath will sound I radio for back-up mallets And they crawl up from the undertow A machevelian portrait crashes A meteor of steam collides We will be searching through your ashes To find exactly why you tried to Doom us all to save yourself If I could reach salvation I'd take that path But I don't think I'd waste it on your kind of trash If I could leave this nation you'd never have a chance 'Cause I'd bury all the races... I see the white blind faith corrupting The future of my tis of thee It's easier just not confronting But I'd rather die than let you lead Now if I could reach salvation I'd take that path But I don't think I'd waste it on your kind of trash If I could heal this nation you'd never have a chance 'Cause I'd bury all the races and fade to black If I could reach salvation I'd take that path But I don't think I'd waste it on your kind of trash If I could heal this nation you'd never have a chance And I don't think it's racist to watch you crash and burn! All the king's horsemen are dead And I'm left to clean up the mess Realizing your shame I choose to revel in it Fucking stupid game But I love to watch you lose it Leaders changed beyond the color Forced to face a weaker flex One that swallowed forever Has now come raging back