Have you ever seen the sun Cringe and wither as it becomes A memory in a mutant's mind They call it glory I call it crime A million bodies marching To pomp and circumstance While the cabinet is watching Do or die becomes the code Hallucination stage While eating a mushroom cloud Turning the page The hand of God can do anything Impending your dilemmas Of fire quenching change surreal That kitchen's got a sex appeal God is in my sheets And he's in my hair He's everywhere If you were he would you laugh as we Go to bed with the living dead? Back to basics Back and forth The back to back lovestopper A masterminded people popper Reckless abuse of sporadic intention Which christ will you gravitate me to Or did you mention? Which christ will you gravitate me to If you were god would you find it odd People buzzing on your blood If it were you he'd spoken through Would you ask him of his color If you became jesus Would you stop and please us With elvis anecdotes or would you Shake my diseases If you were he would you still rob me Of my doubtful shred Clock ticks out the bossman shouts Let's get down to work Crack the head that dares to doubt And mock the weary soldier