Welcome to the record shop, can I help ya? Yeah man, I'm looking for the new record of DJ Activator Please, do you have it? Yeah! Is it this one? (Looking for someone to be-be-beat the crap out!) Well uh, not at all, that one's quite old man Oh? So maybe, can you sing it? Yeah, uhm, I'm looking for the record that goes: 'Tutu-tugedugedudu, tutu-tugedugedudu' Do you have it? Yeah! What we have here is a supersonic bass, supersonic bass, supersonic bass [2x] Hey, hey, hey, hold on, hold on man! What?! What I'm looking for, is the new track with the supersonic reversed bass Reversed bass? Yeah, supersonic reversed bass! Do you have it? Yeah! What we have here is a supersonic bass Uhm, I'm looking for the record that goes… Do you have it? Yeah!