And in my land I am respected You are the one who feels the fear No bullshit will be accepted Police state get the fuck out of here! With history on our side The past can not be erased We won't leave anybody behind Because all these people come with me It's alright that we've reached the limit Now's the time to rise again Against the silence, all our voices There's no reason to be afraid One man falls but one man rises And resistance is still there Overthrow the system that enriches At the expense of blood and pain It's all right Don't thread on me And it's the system's collapse And it's the system's collapse I don't want to live with chains Just feed my pain Don't forgive and don't forget I will take you now to know my hell And when the people decide No one will deny And then sundown comes We see in the sky our people's blood And when music goes on We hear the cry of those who passed before It's when children smile, it's the beach, it's the flag Those fireflies in the dark It's the sounds, it's the last drink of the night And when the people decide No one will deny