To neglect & to fuck Rather than to protect & to serve Protectors of the public, like fuck What a joke authorities have become Servants to the corporations & the government A grievance to your fellow man Oh, little piggy What's that little piggy? Oink, oink Would you like some bacon to go with your arrogance? Beating skin & cracking bone as a profit to the rich I bet you think you're something special While you're cracking skulls but your instrument of sick agendas Burn your badge & join your brothers Your job role is as a professional cunt So do humanity a favor & join as we protest Maiming & raping & pillaging & fucking manufactured devastation Don't be so pompous, causing a raucous for mass enslavement Oh, little piggy Did you really think you lent hand, little piggy Delusional in your authority The truth: You're nothing but a pawn Arresting for profit An expert extortionist Funneling the money from pockets of the public to the palms of the corrupt Detaining for profit Did your know you take orders from a banker cartel? From a bunch of fucking scum You don't have to say anything Anything you do, say will be given in evidence Oink, oink Fuck your authority Using powers to enslave, intimidate, extort & falsely accuse Threaten, assault & murder Inherently evil acts by evil people Relinquish respect for these fuckers Looking down on the public From a pedestal build of exploitation Do you even remember the last time they protected & served you? No, the police neglect & then fuck you over Our point is made Send them to the slaughterhouse