Waiting for fate to kick in Someone, somewhere is waiting with baited breath for life to start It's just - lead won't think of slow sink Waiting for fate to kick in Someone, somewhere, is practising safe, soft hardcore While it seems, death won't be slow to call after all Shiny sparks attract our eye Attention spans so short we can keep it al the back of our minds I peer over, right around the corner To see a smile that helps me know I'm on my way It gives us time to take one last breath Someone, somewhere is waiting with baited breath for life to start It's just, lead won't think or slow sink In the name of all that's good won't you tear off your nails and your hair and throw them into the crowd No one said So we learnt to fear and hate all by ourselves And we won't ever waste a heartbeat No one cares but we'd die to save our right to perpetuate some half truths Some who on who's And some rumours of a time whenwe all knew that: No one's there No one answers to their calling anymore And we won't ever waste a heartbeat and we won't waste a day Now we're spinning, burning, breaking things I want your skin to slap like it's grown wings You know I know you know But in the light of a new spring day On a knowing smile A nod in the right direction It leaves me with hope and I peer over Right around the corner To see a smile that helps me know I'm on my way And I've given time that's over in just a moment It's just a feeling A though I think I might have had And I step with that all the way there It's such a joy to be walking while I'm waiting for fate to kick in Someone, somewhere