Acid Reign

Insane Ecstasy

Acid Reign

I wonder why 
I wonder why 
I can see right through you 
My eyes peel 
Peel away your layers 
Revealing countless, flawless, false people 

How do you ever get to sleep 
Keep up with your latest lies 
You have bitten so many backs 
Skin now starts to cover your teeth 

You never have told the truth 
Afraid of what people may find 
You turn friend, friend against friend 
It means nothing to your hollow mind 

I wonder why 
I wonder why 
I can see right through you 
How do you ever get to sleep 
Keep up with your many faces 

You are hooked, hooked to your stories 
That even you are tempted to believe 
Insecurities force you to keep up the game 
Your FEAR is one of isolation 

As people uncover 
Your true colors 
You give reasons 
But you can't manage 

Reasons to help 
You justify 
I wonder why 
I wonder why