Acid Reign

The Fear

Acid Reign

You sit and wait for the last straw 
Never knowing when crime will strike you down 
Society has sentenced you to be a prisoner 
A prisoner of your body and your home 

Imagine what it's like 
To be imprisoned 
In your own home 
Not knowing which 
Day could be your last 
Hide those savings 

Now withering away, just like a flower 
You curl up and you lie in foetal position 
Your life has been reversed, you end it as a child 
No longer can you define wring or right 

Can you trust 
Justice to deal 
All fair cards 
Or once again 
Will the culprit remain free 
And the victims of honesty 
Left to shiver in solitude 
Nothing to comfort, not even truth 

Euthanasia isn't your answer 
You have your right to live 
But the pressure you are under 
Means you take more than you give 

You're afraid of living 
You're afraid of dying 
More of you drop each day 
Trying to protect your life's work 
But we all grow old 
And become more vulnerable 
Easy prey for the thief 
And thus