Acid Reign


Acid Reign

Man is the victim 
Man is the culprit 
Man is the judge 
Man is the jury 
Man is responsible for his own fate 
His own worst enemy, his own worst FEAR 
Living under threat from his creation 
Living under threat from the seed he's sown 

Humanoia - Ironic but true 
Humanoia - The eternal disease 

Life is a circle 
A test for us all 
One long confusion 
A question of sorts 
Can we control our animal instincts 
Lift ourselves above the animal world 
Care for our habitat and for the future 
Try to plan ahead instead of regress 


Struggle for power 
Struggle for peace 
Struggle for rights 
Struggle for life 
It's easy to forget pain of others 
Distance softens every blow 
There's a lot of problems in this world 
That have to be dealt with one by one 


Only hold questions, hope for answers 
Must be a way we can learn 
For time to come, preserve our race 
We can only learn from our mistakes 
Man holds the key 
Man holds the cure 
Man caused the disease 
Man has no answer