Today's youth don't want a Volvo 
They don't want a Jaguar 
They don't want semi-dry wine 
Mercedes is what they want! 
Today's youth don't want a roll-on 
They don't want model planes 
They don't want curried beef and rice 
Just Adidas is what they want! 
Today's youth don't want Erica Young 
They don't want T.S. Elliott 
They want hard bodied idols 
And just a bit more cash 
Today's youth don't want Kmicic 
They don't want race bikes 
Every stupid dick is a super agent Bond 
Cheap gas (you know) is what they want 
But I don't want it! 
But I don't need it! 
I like to be who I am! 
Today's youth don't wanna dive deep 
They want the second hand emotion 
They want the cheap drugs trip 
And the long kiss in slow motion 
Todays youth like XXL partys 
But they have no money 
The second class heroes, absolute zeroes 
If something's wrong, they need mummy... 
But I don't want it! 
But I don't need it! 
I like to be who I am!