Now ladies and gentlemen the event you've all been waiting for Pickles and fudge bananas and carrots I got the applesauce you got the spare ribs Turn the lights out (change and excess?) makes a really good mix Bubblegum swirl and celery sticks I'm the loch ness the loch ness the loch ness monster .. was a ... jerry's kids need a sponsor It's kinda half bootleg, and it'll bang your head back A glass of urine and can quench your thirst I'm puttin' on my ... gonna do the "night ranger" Down for the night in my broken down manger Cuz i'm a huskin' a huskin' a huskin' your corn And he was gamin' on the fetus just before she was born When i'm feelin' oriental i gotta rub my chin I'm gonna hold my water in like i'm gunga din Tiny bubbles in the tub pull my fingers lawrence welk If you wanna look like rocky dennis better drink your milk Have a taste micro bo base `cause all girlies got smiles You're gettin' on my case like the rockford files Take the pressure out her mouth, sometimes i'll have to ask Went on t.v. and a car... mouth bass Crazy eddie in the slammer `cause he's giving it all away John boy run in the barn with the horse and the hay Jimmy pop mooches mommy's smooches lungs are filled with tar Do you even know who we are? Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise We're playing the palladium you can't get on star search Micro bo bass standin' tall he can do the "funky lurch" I'm a driving experience fart fart fig newton Our mic is the difference `tween rolls (fat rolls) and wayne newton J.f.k.'s head is a puzzle and your woman needs a muzzle Barbara eden in the bottle and now i'm gonna guzzle `cause i'm looking like a pump but i'm feelin' like a sneaker To rise to the attention that's why you're ... beaker I'm a ... i'm baby ... mean I'm ... a lotta ladies or the mr. clean This land is your land This land is my land `cause i'm so fit they call me mr. fitness And i got more rhymes that jahova's got witness' ... is a camel under yasser arafat ........ ... is a cassanova .... girlfriend's ... You took it hook line sinker like charlie the ... `cause i'm calling your bluff like i'm a piss-poor tuna One banana two banana three banana four I'm takin' pri.. and i'm knockin' down your door Claude van damme, spam on the can Excelsior stan the man Was it micro bo bass Or i'm the ... Do you even know who we are? Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Michael ... playin' on the lace with the number of the peace I'm like a sour made-wine with your girlfriend's yeast ... Ernie's shootin' up he gets his fix from bert Snuffleupagus snuffleupagus I bet none of you will ever get enough of this ... buggin' out with dick nixon `cause i've got more rhymes than ivan dixson Drivin' up the bridge jump the cliff aaaahhhh! I've got the hives close your mouths now What's the word? thunderbird (pac-man theme starts) What's the price? fourty third High school nerd and shot your cat I make the punk back up with a whiffleball bat Playin' three card monte yes i got your mommy's silver Come on pop man (asking jimmy pop to finish the rhyme) You know nothing rhymes with silver I got your mommy's silver playin' three card monte I shot ... without hurting anybody Ants in the pants don't break the ice Don't spill the beans don't eat that rice Uncle bens come again Uncle bens come again come again uncle bens Like unkle bens rice with no grand prize ... ... what the hell's going on here? ... with some r c beer Eatin' messy mother with an ice cream bar Do you even know who we are? Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise Just four white boys makin' money makin' noise