At an alarming rate No boundaries, no restriction Programmed to inflitrate No cure, no cure, i've got to escape When death comes knocking, i don't want to be home This tormenting pain Sweet sleep awaking to horror Sleep brings relief But just 'til tomorrow The doctors want to freeze me In a century of slumber Doctor! doctor! What a suggestion! This is no longer just a... Scientific question I want to feel that blade sharp cold solt Shooting through my veins Driving my lifeblood before it Deadening my pain Locking my lungs In a endless icy breath Holding me in a state Between comatose and death The doctors want to freeze me In a century of slumber Doctor! doctor! What a suggestion! This is no longer just a... Scientific question Where will my spirit dwell When i'm in the icy time - machine I'm haunted by fears of the unknown Seduced by a science - fiction dream Doctor! doctor! what a suggestion! This is no longer a medical question Even if they have the ability Will they decide to resuscitate me Will i awake to ecstasy Or emerge as a freak show novelty Freeze my body... freeze my soul? Freeze my body... freeze my soul... Will i awake to ecstasy Will i awake at all Will i be wrenched from a land of the dead Damned to relive humanity A frankenstein of the future A ghost imprisoned in body Or remain a fossilized entity Locked in eternal purgatory The doctors want to freeze me In a century of slumber The doctors want to freeze me In hundred years they'll have the cure For the ills which pull me under Please doctor, come on, freeze me !!