Elected to suffer Elected to suffer Any trouble about your health No problem at all Sick at heart, liverish Or on your last legs Getting' the spare parts carried in stock All necessary means For your damaged body only the best No defective rejects Elected to suffer Elected to die Think about it, might be you The next donor in line Who's captured by an ambulance But in fact it's a hearse Carrying of to the shambles Slaughterer's knife To scrap your body to the last Just sparing the human wrap Elected to suffer Elected to die Suffer, elected to die Suffer, to save another life Suffer, your heart is already sold Suffer, but why is it me Stand to reason money rules This corrupted world Longing for eternal life supports The whole bang shoot We are to face reality Death is a part of life Synthetic prolongation of human fate Reflections of sick brains Elected to suffer Elected to die Elected to suffer Elected to die