Accursed Dawn

With a Mortal Grace

Accursed Dawn

Ingest this cold world; For all that it is and ever will yield; Stare into the superficial sun;
Welcome in the light of submission. As one trapped inside a nightmare;
That has caught their resting mind; Wishes within that dream; 
To finally be revived. As we gaze upon these ruins; 
That old feeling of remorseful disgust;

Returns to rear its ugly head again; The last facet of this tragedy;
Oh to compose our own resolutions; Rather than further enact this lie. 
These dreams they still haunt me; And invade my consciousness;
Let them flourish for fear that; Tomorrow may never come. How disheartening it would be to give up now;
To swallow the bitter pill of mankind's imperfections; How astounding is the human condition; When faced with such adversities;

The effort to overcome such formidable limitations; Yields a true sense of accomplishment. As all our yesterdays have guided; Fools to early ends so will our;
Allegiances usher in the changing winds. Our own feelings have run the gamut; Of defeat, disappointment, and regret; 
Without such misfortunes; Elation would never be possible.
The spectrum of human emotion; Is the only beauty that we can possess. So cherish it.