Abused Majesty

A Burning Army

Abused Majesty

Enough blood sank into our ancestors' land 
Let's open the graves, let's awake the dragon of storm 
Let the hurricane army led by the ravens' king 
Take a heavy toll among the mist 

Let every man able to carry a sword 
Stand at the bottom of a sacred mountain 
To descend to the cave saying prayers 
In which the source of living water originates 

He will fall asleep there, 
It will be a dream of the immortal 
And he will wake up after nine days 
As flaming Obr, horrendous warrior 
A defender of the Earth of a horrifying look 

Revived in the flaming dragon from Epireum 
Who was sleeping at the roots of the tree of life 
He will arise next to his brothers 
From the depths of the river of fire, flaming water 

A burning army 

Wskrzeszony w smoku ognistym z epireum, 
Który spa³ u korzeni drzewa ¿ycia 
Powstanie u boku swych braci 
Z g³êbin rzeki ognia wód p³on¹cych 

Human eyes couldn't perceive a route of the horrifying army 
Since at the time storm clouds grabbed the ravens' king 
And strode with him across the country 
Promising death in pain and torments to the human race's enemies 

And he will set off with his secret army 
The people of mists turned into the Flaming Serpent 
To turn Nida's water red 
From the enemies' blood and the ancient law 

A burning army