When in the evening dusk kills the day and silent darkness falls
The full moon rising chases away the sleep with a fairy light
And then you hear the howl of the wolf cutting in two the night
The sparks of fire that flash in the dark are bringing to you delight

Tonight the forest is singing its song
So many secrets it keeps for so long

A forgotten story tells about a human lost in the night
Then he met a lone wolf - the king of the forest twilight
And the human asked the wolf about the road to the town
The wolf answered: “Don't go to the town, if you want to be free.”

He has seen so many lies and so much pain in the town
Among intrigues, objection and hate the man`s world is going down
From now on, he has chosen to be free among the wolves
Because among the people the spite has already rooted itself

Tonight the forest sings again
A song of freedom to meet the man

“Join us in the heart of the forest!
Now you are one of the wolves and forget the pain
Here's the freedom, here`s the happiness
Here you can be clean like a summer rain”

And now every night he meets the moonrise, a wolf who before was a man
Now he roves in the wild paradise and hears the nature's refrain
And people living in the town have all become slaves of the hate
A man eats a man with wolfish appetite, and this is the human's fate