Abske Fides

Unfortunate Dream Of Mankind

Abske Fides

An ambitious project that emancipated mankind to the imperious control of nature versus chaos and randomness, now recoils in the obscurity of dream and the weight of the loss.

Instrumental reason working for slavery announces the beginning of catastrophe, new sciences certify the omnipotence and civilization's discontents is imminent.

Ruin is exulted, a dream of straight-forwardness, that taken by thy drunk arrogance, has denied thy real condition of collective sense of the illuminated subjectivity.
Destined to turn against thyself, the dream of mankind, breathless, becomes a sterile uruboro, finally sealed by the weight of thy dry skin.

Grabber and venomous clutches bites their own flesh in the rarefied delirium of ocidental tragedy. god swallows his own tail.