Nightfall, a childood serenade Is brought by the breeze just to burst your tympanums. Sat on a rock, over the cliff, The sea is filled up with your salty sadness... No father ought to see the death of his son And the consumption of his wife by a strange disease. It's too much even for someone unable to feel. The wheel of stone will be spitting sparks all the night. All who I loved throughout of my life, And my painted body's ready to assassinate... Rise up your weapons Turn your fists into hammers Tighten your leathers and furs Strength and Honour!... Celtiberian Wolves! Little Morkath was seven years old When conflicts made him orphaned The laws of the men, he didn't understand Snatched away the warmth of his parents. All that life steals to the chosen one, Is ever sent amply back... Condemned to grow close to his uncle and cousins, The hatred was outlining the beast. He is the man who told the prophecy ... the assassin, the warrior and king... Lord of all tribes, dread's the most powerful respect. Blindly they follow to the master of war. Insensitive, absent look, There's no expression in his acts. For twenty years no complete words Escaped from his mouth... There was no strokes, just only scorn For a little child in need of love. Animal fears always turn into slay, He killed all his family and began the trail... Fire, the burning fire Hypnotizing flames, charming shapes Set and poke it, Your passion since you were a boy. You control it's triangle now to perfection The wind's a great allied even to fight On less good conditions... Archers ready in position... PREPARE! Blazing arrows, the suet's striking so well... DRAW! Give them a volley, They'll burn the battlefield... RELEASE! Tactical fire makes an only path for them to move on. Stand firm to defend the land we And our forefathers have worked. Come up my brave from the ground holes and charge. The battle's over, you're so tired; You're not the untiring man you were. Thrust your axe into the ground, Flesh wounds dye your figure red Your people will go on With their lifes and their tasks How long will peace last? Want to see your son grow free. Your throne and dominions are to vast for one Treachery and conspiracy, the old path of envy Why the human nature (always) leads to self-destruction? United keeping together we are stronger and heavier... And here you stand in the fall of your life Your thirst for blood is not yet quenched Increased your hate for the human race Now is time to take a decision. Your agonizing cause and your dreams of state Are cracking like fallen leaves... Transcend the gateway, to live in my world Where the old age never arrives... Walk in through the cloudy path of sorrow... ... murder... pang... I'll give you the chance to revenge in the afterlife Die as a human, born as a beast.