Once again we see another rising sun, But keep your head on straight, Because this war has just Begun I feel your pain And thats the only agreement we have, Nothings the same,Because im taking over your, Part Ill give you more than just a death machine, Ill fucking smother you in gasoline Ill flick a spark and Blow the smoke in your Face, So save your breath And watch me put em, in place Fuck That Shit And Fuck you Ho You fucking little Bitch! I fucking run this,Who are you to tell me, Where I belong, Because I failed them And I will fail you Get the fuck out my way So whats the matter, I save the best for last And made your future Shatter Well, you can hear it in my voice im fucking pissed off And every little thing you make is a fucking rip off Of us, This is Real, This is how I feel My life is great, And all you do is Hate On Me I don't give a flying fuck you motherfuckers Welcome to my Life! Ill prove to you that You were wrong You cant fuck with us Get real or get the fuck out the way Im tired of this bullshit Above this for life Finish these fucks, Maybe one day youll see, Never underestimate me AGAIN