
Disgust and Rage (Sic transit Gloria Mundi)


Disgust and rage (Sic transit Gloria Mundi) 
Music Nysrok. 
Lyrics M.Fabban, January 2004 

"The street is my world 
and the real world that I've to deal with everyday, 
Believe me.. if I start to murdering people 
there'll be none of you left" 
(Charles Manson) 

Everything is going to deteriorate more and more! 
They buy futures, 
they sell futures where there's no future! 
Everybody is preparing to thread one finger 
into the ex-planet of God's ass 
and then they taste it! 

I am here with my nose in the earth 
and I'm here from the beginning of times! 

They cry and they needs help, but nobody is around 
They are alone! They are the perfect sons of God! 
There's nothing outside… 
No illusions! 

God like's to watch: he's a prankster! 
he gives man instincts... 
he gives this extraordinary gift 
just for fun! 

He fix the rules in opposition: 
watch but don't touch, 
touch but don't taste, 
taste but don't swallow 
and while you are jumping from one foot to the next 
he's laughing! 

(M:Fabban chorus) 
Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes 
Bis Vincit Qui Se Vincit in Victoria 
Et Satan Ridet! 
Omnia est malis est! 
Et Satan Ridet! 

(Satan): I am here with my nose in the earth 
and I'm here from the beginning of times! 
I have cultivated every feelings men can try 
My interest is for what men really desires and I never judged him 
'cause I never refused him! 
Even if he's full of damned imperfections 
I'm a men fanatic! 
I'm an humanist! 
The last of humanists! 
Everything, everything is mine! 
This is my time! 
This is our time! 

Panic flights to death 
Death flights to the cosmo