
Black Hole Spell


Since the beginning of all 
It exists like a transparent fire 
Abiding by the doom 
An embracer pleasure is 

Incarnating now 

As a black spell from the hole of space 
Has been received by a black heart 

It is deceiving the pale-eyed bystanders 
It is dissoluting the world by the elements 
Estrangating the ones by gradation 
After all offering up them a dark cold shell 
In the anatomical ward of vivisects 
It wont take long and the Black Ruler 
Will have back what is fair 
your chilled bodies to its black ground! 

This is the eternal waving as long as the appearance 
Of the Certain Ones 
Who are proudof offeromg the device 
With clear soul and in united spirit 
For achieving the fatal destruction 
And recreation from the last Ending