We have a capacity for rapacity This human condition Bred into deception Bred to believe manipulations Forced to consume Controlled for produce and blinded Our grand depression We have a capacity for redundancy This demented affliction Our grand depression And exquisite farce, guiding my misanthropy A myriad of choices in vapid world of abasement Bred for extinction Misanthropy within me, a reckoning force On our path to extinction We have the audacity and idiocy An ignorant affliction Bred for production A ghastly farce of epic proportions Loathsome and present Bred to perfection A myriad of choices in a vapid world of abasement Bred for extinction Misanthropy a reckoning force On our path to extinction Bred to believe manipulations Forced to consume Controlled for produce and Blinded by a white fence utopia Exquisite covinous drama Nothing but tools, brainless fools Exquisite covinous drama Nothing but tools, mongrels, fools Behold the stench of misery Sweet bouquet of society Result of apathy We have the capacity for rapacity This human condition Bred for production A ghastly farce of epic proportions Loathsome and present Bred in to perfection, bred for extinction