Your antidote for sickness Is the source of my cure In a different form of course With more pleasure I am sure They help me deal with the pain To enhance the pleasure of this life I lead An addiction or a crutch they are not And them I do not need [Chorus:] But I desire them, I confess In a strange sort of way With no remorse, I may add But worry not you need not pay I'll influence your decision not Merely show you both sides Of the invisible line Where pain and pleasure collide You need not tell me of their worthlessness They've not hurt me I believe More harmful to some than others So if you are some reprieve And though it, it sounds so easy Distinguish between the two to You may not, may not know till it's too late The choice is, the choice is up to you [Chorus:] You see I have painfully learned To infringe my beliefs on no one I have seen first hand The damage they have done I've witnessed for myself The hands which they have dealt The blankness in ones eyes As their brains begin to melt And as they plead for your assistance In their moments of confusion You stand helpless but say This is only an illusion The choice is, the choice is up to you The choice is, the choice is up to you The choice is, the choice is up to you The choice which you may lose