
Another Passing Fancy


Fill her up
My ways is large
Have you lives spares?
The mind is dead
My love does not work

I cannot wait
A table for two
The red flag means danger
The lie is worse
You farewell well be enough

Where can i change my life?
At what times does my bad luck?
I want to hire other heart
I have been assaulted of mine
Will it be easy to get
Another passing fancy

Not yet, "sir"
Give me small joyes
I want something plain
The soul is dirty
I'm walking away

Not too quick
Your ring again
I want to make a call to her love
Hold the line, please
There is no reply

Where the place that find relief?
How much appear worse of love?
Why procedures do i have to go through?
I well be in the hell in the end of the days!