No refuge from hand of doom, prosecutor has come Planet is wrapped up in a gloom, everything goes down Blood and sweat, cries of dead It's a diabolical feast Seance of dread drives us mind It's the age of fire, the eclipse Moulding infant corpses With sarcastic faces.rot on the shouldering coal And consentrate our souls.palsied and wretched eyes, search for another life It's the price the human pay.for being so consumed There ain't much to save, the bell is ringing Condemned to the eternal suffering, senseless existence of life Is in possession of fire realm power Endless monarchy of souls eternally I see your state before your death And the endless agony will obsess all souls When the sky flames up, there'll start a bloody rain And believers graves will burn in flames of hate Sadistic orgies will open wounds in human's hearts All will choke with their own blood Legions of soundless bodies will rise Which have been waiting for this hour so long Fallen angels will come down in the earth In your suffering eyes.the craving of fatality Wraith of your soul.crushed and destroy by reality Enter the comas dreams Find the light in the dark tunnels Horrible nightmares, they come from reality Black souls incarnated, for the life devastation The shake, carrying death Will drown this planet flames Cracked earth, suffering's signs Real dreams, rushed to the mankind With hunger and pain.tortured, tyre world Caked gore, on rotting bones Sheens in pale, but calm candlelight The light of a candle Won't rise Sphacelate metastasized inevitable Indestructible, bestial dynasty Ruined your divine illusions Only it's warm hands softly stroke Stuffed your bones, dried up eyes But you don't feel this You're dead! Oh God you're dead