Vines and tripwire vanish in static Their blind outlines drill panic in forever It's undefined; what loosens lines that snag extent Don't bother looking for the source Mend the wounded soul Beneath the dead skin, melody emerges The beginning of cycles to come have arrived Shock waves pull me away from all that sits before us How do i define the way on a path that can split with the will of effort How do i know? Paste molted plaster back up on the figure Repeat, this time it will hold Perpetuate the plates ascribed with status and secret I'll dose a resurgence of lost ideals Shock waves pull me away from all that sits before us How do i define the way on a path that can split with the will of effort How do i know? What pulls from the inside has been recalled unannounced Now stuck with the burning inclination to resist But now there's nothing opposing Tagged from image Holding beliefs in sight What proof is there any of it's real? We decide our own limits Hoping to bend light and see what supports the galaxies There has to be an end