
Maria's Umbrella


Maria's Umbrella likes lazing in the sun 
So I took her to the seaside to see what could be done 
And while we were swimmming a-swimming in the sea 
The men with knotted handkerchiefs 
They laughed at me 

Maria's Umbrella's telling all the boys and girls 
She says she wants to travel far 
She says she wants to see the world 
She says she wants to be a stowaway 
And sail away to sea 
Maria's Umbrella said 
"That's the life for me" 

La La La La La La La La 

She sailed across the sea she said 
She sailed across the sea 
To meet the man who rode the tiger 
In the land of Jammy dee 
She said she didn't mean to frighten him 
By stepping on his toe 
Th etiger bit Maria and Maria went home 

La La La La La La La La 
La La La La La La La La 

I hope you like this story and I hope you understand why 
Don't open your umbrella's inside 
Don't open your umbrellas inside.