Sawah, wei maashee feil beilaad, saway Vagabond, and walking between countries, vagabond. Weil khatwa beinee wei bein habibee barah And the step between me and my bveloved is "big" Meish war bei-led, wana feeh hareib A long journey, and I'm wounded in it Weil leil yei-arab, weil nahar rawah And the night approaches and the day goes Chorus: Wein laakom habibee, saleimulee alei And if you see my beloved, say "hello" to him Tameinuneel asmaranee, amla eil el ghorba fee Reassure me how is my brown-looking girl doing so far away Sawah, wana maashee layalee Vagabond, I'm walking nights (sleepwalking) Saway, wall daree bhalee Vagabond, not knowing what I'm doing Saway meil for-a ya ghalee Vagabond, and the separation o my dear Sawah, eih elee garalee Vagabond, what has happened to me We-saneen we-sneen wana dayeb bsho' wei haneen And years and years and I'm melting in loginess and tenderness Ayiz a-araf bass taree-o meineen I want to know just where is his road Chorus Ya eounee ah ha eounee My eyes oh my eyes Eih garalak fein inta wei bi meil eih What has happened to you and what are you doing? Ya znounee a ya znounee mat seibounee My worries oh my worries, leave me alone Meish naaeis ana hier aleil I'm worried enough about him Lala areif ar-taah wana la-yeih sawaah Neither can I rest and I am lost like a vagabond Chorus Ya amar ya naseenee Oh moon, who's forgetting me Raseenee alee ghayeib Take me to the absent one Nawarlee wareenee seikeit el habayeib Enlighten me, show me the road to the beloved Waseitak weseiya ya shaheid alay I've made you primise, you who witnessed Teikeelu alei beiya To tell him of my state Weilee aseitoo blayaleija And what I've suffered during my nights