From the temples ov life, where innocence dies I emerge forth with most holy pride With the fire ov rage, with the coldness ov hate To invoke the baphomet´s side! From the tower ov light, where purity lies I storm out with furious wings With the sword ov will, with the longspear ov wrath To dethrone all hypocrite kings! Egotheism! Save my soul... I wish to give it to no other redeemer then me ...I shall reward myself with the most precious thing I have... The lost messiah ov sodom I am For I bring what´s called true salvation Yet my mercy is not for the weak But only for the strong – myself Do not believe lavey – know that the adversary is life Life is energy, and energy is light, not darkness! Do not fall ever into some filthy cloister Sanctimoniously built in the name ov the adversary For only in absolute liberty He can be found... „Come, my son, and find wisdom I teach, So ancient, all from the jewels ov my speech. Rise your sword and step out ov the dark, Be the one who bears the lucifer´s mark. Come, my son, and find wisdom I teach, Pure and clean, not like ov abraham´s leech. From the land where weak in justice bath Rise as he who follows the left-hand path.“ Fall ov the innocent Rise ov all liberty I feel joy as I watch All the laws burn Descendance ov the weak Ascendance ov the strong Euphoria takes the crown As fortune turns From the realms ov hate, where belial rules I´m ascending with malicious laugh Through the shield ov faith, through the armor ov hope I penetrate to walk the left-hand path