Abalone Dots

Golden Wish

Abalone Dots

I've got money in my pocket
I've got wind upon my sails
I've got golden rainbow wishes
Guiding me on moonlit trails

Let the ocean's sparkling waters
Carry me to far off lands
I've got visions waiting to be
Written by my poet hands

I will never stop believing
In those precious golden dreams
At times the hourglass of life
Can empty faster than it seems

So sail away, my dreamer's vessel
I think love has just begun
Let us sail away together
Til the hour of rising sun

You and I alone in pleasure
Drifting on the cresting sea
Is it real or just a vision
Are you really here with me

If this love is just a dream
Then dreamer I will always be
And I will drift forever on the
Golden wish of you and me