
I Feel It Just For You


Look at the sky
Look at, it's shining for you
I pay to shine just for you
I know you love me too

I got alone
My duty is done now
I want you but I just don't know how
I reflexe you just mine

Your skin, it's like skin of peach
For you the sun, the moon I reach
You're cool, I know I love you so
You know I love you... Much

I'm stand here
Waiting your words of
Caress, I know you tenderness
Can break bareers every moment

I seek your sight
You're lost in this dark night
I invert this forest for you
If you want, to God I boo

Your lips, it's like a God's lips
I am not capable to taste
You dizzy me, I'm crazy, I'm haste
Wow! I know I am just crazy...