A Well Thought Tragedy

House of Cards

A Well Thought Tragedy

Now you can't see the forest through all the trees we planted over the years.
If I have to I will suffocate myself just to feel alive.
I'll never win, but at least I can say I tried.
Is this the way we had imagined things all those years ago?
When we were young and pure things were different.
We had a dream. What happened? Life. Human nature.

Instinct. Survival.

We will never find a cure for hopelessness.
We will never cease to be the animals that we are.

Cycles repeat. And this one seems to be nothing short of a paradox.
We've built this structure on a foundation of bloodshed and war.
Just the same tessellating patterns year after year.
The heartbeats become breathtaking.
A warmers winters breaking. And summer bleeds into september.
As these seasons turn,

I watch you in the brimstone.
I have become the overseer.
But I will not be there to watch your house of cards collapse upon you.
Now you can't see the forest through all the trees we planted over the years.
If I have to I will suffocate myself just to feel alive.
I'll never win, but at least I can say I tried