Oh clock strikes, around three A.M. And I' m so tired but I cannot sleep. And now she' s in my head, now she' s in my mind, and she won' t let go. Another excuse, another day, another time, another place. For you to agitate my mind, don' t tell me that it' s fine. Cause I' m not fine. Oh it' s been so long since I could get away, Now I' m back again and I don' t regret a thing. I' m never coming back, never coming home, cause I lost you now. And my patience is running out, And all I have to find is disappointment. Yeah~ Again and again and again and again. Another excuse, another day, another time, another place. For you to agitate my mind, don' t tell me that it' s fine. Cause I' m not fine. You know I' m not fine