A Tortured Soul

Tomorrow's Door

A Tortured Soul

A man with premonition is the first to see his end 
To prophesize in emphany condemnation all he penned 
Deception of church and state with vision of a snake 
Reward is small to tell them all 
They praise you then they'd burn you at the stake 

Foretell us of another dream of war 
Tomorrow's door 

Many kings did summon him for conquest of the world 
To challenge his own prophecy in death's eye he is hurled 
Further more to realize and master his own fate 
The ruin of eternity the bloody hands 
The truth he must negate 

Foretell us of another dream of war 
Tomorrow's door 

Conjuror or alchemist how do you see through time? 
With clever play of words the answer written in a rhyme 
Do you feel responsible for vision that you see 
Trapped inside tomorrow's door 
They praise you then they hang you from a tree 

Foretell us of another dream of war 
Tomorrow's door