Ama a gama que ama, que ama Ama a gama que ama, amálgama Amálgama Fogo, chama que clama, que clama It flows behind between Disguised underneath Lover’s eyes That’s the actual sign For which they may die (One needs to be other) Not one, not two It’s as uneven as uncount That’s the fire which melts One into none (One needs to be other) (Every inch and all and more Pleads to be one, another) Jamais amara, amará Parte de um todo só Sós ambos, sós ambos Amores? Amores são nós You, your incrusted fears Bless and are blessed To be starving years by years Hunting far and wide Non touching touches In spite of Hopelessness beside (I trusted one to be me Undressed of hopes and dreams) You, your untrusted being Over flooding, in search By in another another’s seeing But then Eagerly, not wondering That primal wonder thing (Rip me out inside out And find what else we both could be) Why (Every inch and all and more Plead to be one, another) Juntara, rejunte de chama Dois em um único só? Tampouco, há sol, há sóis Tão pouco há sol a sós