The land of those consumed by will control Is forsaken by an heir’s rules only he has grown Can’t run, for fear that I’ll be up for show Treason is believing there’s a reason we are born at all Suppressed My ankles bear the group’s movement The stare of scopes that watch us everywhere Unknown why I’ve been chosen to endure Hunger, torture, prison vultures, and a shattered human core Work till the end Rarely being fed The walls of this cell Outline a generational hell Pulled from on the fields Questioned on who revealed The other worldly mysteries With gun held to my back I’m hoisted on this rack Revolving fire, payment for treachery Peeling skin seared Steaming my tears Cannot convince them to put me out of This hellish agony I have done no wrong Boiling my abdomen The burning spear Has opened a portal to my insides I pray the end is near Finally, tossed into the night Innocent Born Internment Sworn Human rights Gone Malnourished Swarm Defector Born Rejection Sworn Lesser man Wrong Escape tonight and leave this Modern holocaustic cage of sick reign Alone I walk for miles A toxic cloud of doubt won’t taint the air I freely breath at last What becomes of my life Cannot understand the paper they trade The ease at which they get food Hard to believe, I can hardly conceive of the possibilities I am the harsh reality Bypassing global eyes Millions suffer Hundreds of thousands die End all those responsible Destroy the leader’s lies Then comes the test for all the rest to learn this earth Survivor Harbinger Survivor Harbinger