A Saving Whisper

His Summer In Her Crimson Shade

A Saving Whisper

Her cute eyes watch you ge fucked up so....

It feels like you will never rest until shes yours....

You woun't taste poison, not even it's for free....

She's playing good in every way....

.. ..

She feels save cause she knows nothing....

He's closer to the end than she will believe....

What makes you sure that shes the right....

What makes you concious she's on your side....

.. ..

He's lying sleepless in her bed....

And think what i have done to....

Make us cry, it's nothing special....

The time is wasted, the damge done....

.. ..

Her shade is spending a warmth....

That makes you feel allright....

And lying sleepless in her bed....

Will make you cry so fast tonight....

I'ts all so different to times they laughed ....

So much and he wou'nt feel so alive....

.. ..

I want to spend my future with her....

It's never to late, to change your mind....

.. ..

Now be patient and wait for inspiration....

It's just the time for desperation....

It's just the truth, she likes that shit....

.. ..

Drop her shade,....

Take her heart and watch the pieces....

.. ..

Drop your fate....

Make her feel it's not your future....

.. ..

Drop her shade, make her feel....

Drop her shade, make her feel