I'm lying here, dying of paranoia All the things you never said... All the things you never meant... Burning endlessly in my head You think you know me... but you have no idea All the pain you've caused, for me... (all the pain) There's no way I can manage to get free You can make the right choice, and choose to admit it... Or you can do even better, and commit Oh, please just look away... And stop trying to hurt me You've done more than enough, and I'm putting it to an end All the bruises and the scars will never get a chance to mend All the pain you've caused, for me... (all the pain) There's no way I can manage to get free You can make the right choice, and choose to admit it... Or you can do even better, and commit Oh... Oh... Oh... Will you stop for a moment Quit turning away... There's still one more thing That I have left to say... All the pain you've caused, for me... (ALL THE PAIN!) There's no way I can manage to get free You can make the right choice, and choose to admit it... Or you can do even better, and commit Ohhh... ohhh... ohhhhh...