A Lower Deep

A grief observed

A Lower Deep

She was his whole world, daddy's little girl
Suddenly she was gone
He's filled with such guilt, though he knows
No one was to blame

Taken in the flower of her youth
There is no sense to be made of senselessness

Reflections cloud his mind
A smile so bright, ribbons in her hair
Now he only wants to join his beloved
In her endless sleep

What is left for me
When all I feel is pain
From these memories and grief

Tomorrow is the same, always yesterday
Never ending season of rain
Will it ever end, will he laugh again
Or simply await eternity

What is left for me
When all I feel is pain
From these memories and grief

Daddy I'm still here
Deep within your heart
Here beside you
Through your all hopes and fears
Live for me, remember me
Live for me, remember me

What is left for me
When all I feel is pain
From these memories and grief