A Losing Season

Ten Tones Of Hate

A Losing Season

Don't stop me, i'll be the winner in this year
After the days of losing, this has got to be a winning season for me
You have stomped me
So fucking deep down into the stinky mud
Stomped me so deep
That there is no way leading down, just up
Under a grey sky
With heavy rain falling
There we stand, you and i
Only one of us will survive
Ten tons of hate
Weighing on my shoulders
Now is the time
For my sweet revenge
Don't stop me, i'll be the winner in this year
Louder-they can't hear you scream
The times have changed
I'm up and you are the one that floats in mud
Tell me how it feels when the shit fills your mouth and your throat
Who's laughing now
Swim, you fucking bastard
Now i make the rules
And the rule is "no survivors"
Ten tons of hate
Weighing on my shoulders
Now is the time
For my sweet revenge
Don't stop me, i'll be the winner in this year
Louder-they can't hear you scream
After the days of losing, this has got to be a winning season for me