A Losing Season

A Public Announcement From The Agoraphobic

A Losing Season

All that is left is the mourning after
When all that is left is the mourning
Lay back, lose hope, break a smile

There was so much
I dreadfully desired to become
Yet there is nothing left to uncover
Only the failure to hold on to
Remains of days gone wild fade in
The days that were to savior
Come ravishing

There's nothing left to conquer
Nothing left to discover
There's nothing to ease the hunger
That builds on only never descending lust

Twist and turn
Am i the only one abortive
Look around
Or do they hide all that we have in common

How do they obtain
Where does it all come from
When every step i take
I must jump two back

'I will never let go,
I will never let you drown'
Let's hear some of the clichés
You've been constantly telling me

'You'll never give up
You'll always take 'em down'
Let's hear more of those lies
About the strenght i once had in me

The morning after
All that is left is the mourning
When all that is left is the mourning
Lay back, lose hope, breake a smile

There's nothing that justifies
Nothing that glorifies
Nothing that calms the throbs
There's nothing to halt the flow
Of the ever-ascending unhinged memories

Lay back, lose hope
Fight the slight desire
To be dead

Twist and turn
Am i the only one abortive
Look around
Or do they hide all that we have in common

How do they obtain
Where does it all come from
When every step i take
I get kicked two back

'I will never let go,
I will never let you drown'
Let's hear some of the clichés
You've been constantly telling me

'You'll never give up
You'll always take 'em down'
Let's hear more of those lies
About the strenght i once had in me

Lost all its purpose
Lost all it meant to me
I'll break a smile that shows
Only the decay for all to see

Can't make the vertigo
Can't make it disappear
I'd give all back
For just one final moment of purity

Give it all back, give it...

All that is left is the mourning after
When all that is left is the mourning
Lay back, lose hope, break fucking a smile

The time has come
The time to change again
Make believe there is a chaste mañana
But it sucks me back within

This is it, this is it,
This is the furthest it goes
From the top of the world, ma
To the bottom of the hole
Keep calm, keep calm,
You ran out of luck
Lay back, lose hope,
You messed-up dumb-fuck

I know it can't be done
It all comes to an end
Breathe hard, dumb-fuck,
There's no need to pretend
For ten seconds i let go
And lost ten years good and all
It took a lifetime to crawl up
And just a moment to fall

Don't lay your eyes on me
Don't turn you're back on me
Please don't lay your eyes on me...

I can't bear to see myself look back