On the last day, that I could see, there were hounds on my trail, As far as I could see, so the first day I turned blind, came as a blessing So I welcomed this friendly twist of fate with a smile, hum…. Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor, Poor Blind Jack of Hearts On the third day I had made this bliss my faithful companion My ears grew longer and my hands made it complete Well the fourth was merely the sum of what came before To precede the fifth, ah… a king among men Flowers fading from purple red into black scented babies (but it's all good) Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor, Poor Blind Jack of Hearts On the second day, that's when my sight returned And I began pretending Poor Blind jack of hearts, what are you going to do, When they find the truth Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor Blind Jack of Hearts Poor, Poor Blind Jack of Hearts