People, the useless thing of the earth We are the perfect pawns since our birth The clever orders and the others are the tools But misanthropy is my constant mood I want to die, reflecting my lifecide I need to fall, we live a lie We pray for world's suicide Happiness the perfect feeling at the end Lifecide emotions only take and learn Follow your death and you'll save your sleep Thank your god who gave you the slip Don't ask why you are deceiving by your mind Mind control will save you Eternal tricks that fear us all Numb and weak turn us as none Powerless we are as he had created Strong less we keep as we decimated Lifecide I'll vote for the next elections Hopeful and clear without suspension Lifecide I see you're full of joy Lifecide feast in the abyss of the void Reach for the sky, evolving my lifecide Now I will fall, I faced the truth There's no one to save me soon A few words now may not be heard Misanthropy endeavor controls my head I'm always fighting you because you're different of me Are we lost in our hypocrisy Don't ask why you are deceiving by your mind Mind control will save you Everything we do is including by a clue But mind control will save you